Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I'm feeling pretty zen right now, and I haven't even gone to yoga yet today! I'm currently sitting in my favorite cafe with a very-berry smoothie waiting on what I'm sure will be a wonderful power/yin yoga class. Yeah, I have quite a bit of work to do and things aren't necessarily perfect in my life, but little by little I'm learning that they don't have to be. 

I'm a huge House of Cards addict, and this one quote from Kevin Spacey's character just popped into my head: 

"Harmony--it is about individual voices coming together for a moment, and that moment lasts the length of a breath."

I find that quote to be so apt. Life isn't about constant harmony; in fact, if I learned anything from my decade of piano lessons, it's that dissonance can be more soul-wrenching than harmony. Life is instead about enjoying the little moments of perfect harmony, those moments when the metaphorical choir hits every note just right, moments that make my breath catch in my throat and the space behind my sternum burst with sunlight. Yeah, that's super corny, but that's how I feel. And I won't apologize for it.

Maybe it's the 30 days left mentality setting in; maybe it's the fact that I will finally (and I mean, finally) be eighteen in less than 48 hours; or maybe it's something as small as the warmer weather contributing to my personal photosynthesis. Whatever the reason, I'm finding myself noticing the beauty in my life just a little bit more today, and this feeling is something I want to preserve, like a firefly in a jar on a warm summer night (you're welcome to insert your own lame, girly analogy).


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