Sunday, April 28, 2013

Post-post-prom Ponderings

So I'm not the most adept at this whole "Prom" thing. It's kind of sad... There's not much to "doing prom": standing still for pictures, smiling like a normal human being, and dancing somewhat gracefully. Oops. As much as I love dressing up and looking fancy, sometimes I'd just rather be hanging out in jeans, studded boots, and big shades. Nevertheless, prom ended up being a blast. My friends are the people who are last to leave the dance floor, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Last night got me thinking though--this is the beginning of the end. I will become a legal adult in five days. Childhood is officially behind me. I'm going to graduate in four weeks. I have to say goodbye to a school that has been my home for the last six years (that's a third of my life to date, for those of you who are keeping score at home). I'm leaving the country for university. Life as I know it is ending, and a new life is about to begin.

Here's the thing: I'm ready to go, but I'm not ready to leave. Does that make sense? Saying goodbye to all that is familiar, safe, and trusted is harder than I could ever have imagined. That first picture up above this post is of my circa-2008 friend group five years later. We all changed; we grew; we lost those braces and that baby fat; we found out who we were, but not without some bumps and bruises along the way.

I was going to say, "April just flew by." But that's not true; the past six years have just flown by.

I guess that just means I'll have to savor every moment to come that much more.



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